Freeing app developers from managing customer data.
By using a specialised, independent personal data service, potential issues of user trust in data security and usage are reduced.
No need to develop application-specific personal data entry or maintenance functions, nor to worry about security of information being stored.
By giving users access to, and control over, the personal data they have entered into an application, they are encouraged to provide and maintain fuller information.
Applications using DataPal to manage their customer information can, optionally, be made visible to all DataPal users, who may not be aware of the application.
Subject to users agreeing to it, relevant data can be sent to those users for whom it would be useful, or who are in the market for relevant products or services.
Rather than each app or connected organisation having to build their own privacy policy and data sharing terms, sector-based standard sharing agreements can be easily applied and signed.
DataPal provides a dedicated Utility to Developers to help set up their user data integration.