what we believe

Our beliefs drive our actions.

A number of core beliefs drive much of what we do and the way in which we do it.

Personal Data Management is broken

The vast data economy is not really benefitting the individuals who are the data subjects. Data is often poor quality, meaning the market runs on low

Consent will be replaced by Contract

Data protection is mainly based on imprecise definitions and understanding of Consent. Data sharing ‘contracts’ are clearer and legally enforceable.

AI exaggerates threats and opportunities

AI can, and will, make the use of personal data more invasive. However, it also provides huge opportunities for harnessing data to serve the data subjects.

Regulation cannot do the whole job

Regulation is not fully working for anyone. It results in non-productive effort for organisations and individuals. Mutual data trust, if built, will help dramatically.

Individuals need tools to regain control

Most technologies to store, control and exploit personal data have been deployed by organisations. More is needed to support individuals.

Customers want to buy, not be sold to

Even with increasingly accurate targeting, customers want to be able to trigger their own purchases, by ‘publishing’ their purchase intentions

Our Technology is Unique

Our Solutions are underpinned by leading edge technology and patented data exchange protocols.

Secure, encrypted data storage

Only the individual can manage their own data. Even DataPal cannot access it.

Transparent and auditable data exchange

Every exchange of data to or from individuals happens via the patented, cryptographically signed, verifiable JLINC Labs Internet Protocol.

Data sharing agreements

Standardised, mutually signed data sharing agreements control access to, and the provision of, personal data.

Personalised DDID creation

Individuals create their own Distributed, Digital Identifiers that can serve them for their whole life.

AI FOR Individuals, not ON Individuals

The DataPal architecture and knowledge graph supports the individual’s choice of AI and machine learning tools.

  • Connection
  • Security
  • Identity
  • Personal AI
  • Audit
  • Governance